Friday, December 11, 2009

Final Project

I am posting my final Images on Here... the project is about me and these different "hats" ive worn in my life. Mostly as a child. The imagery here doesn't go beyond high school but it does allude to some kind of transformation happening within the clothing that is photographed.

Some of My Photos of My Shoots....

Sorry its taken a while to get these up here, apparently i lost the little thing to down load images from my memory card... but i figured out another way to get them on here! So here we are... Behind the scenes!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Lee Miller

So i have been researching and putting together a paper for my seminar class and i came across this other female photographer from WWII. I will be comparing her to Leni Riefenstahl. But her Work is interesting to me. She was allowed access that many other females were not granted, in terms of photographers. She documented the allies in the end of the war. And her photographs especially the ones where she puts her self into Adolf Hitler's Space... the allies had occupied his apartment in Munich and she used the space to create images of herself in the now fallen leaders personal environment.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sorry for the Absence

So i realize i havent posted on here for a while... but i thought id let you know where i am. I purchased a velvetine background to shoot the clothing i have collected. I will shoot this week in the mornings and between classes when possible. I did collect a variety of clothing from my life... I will be using my old clothing in this project. Apparently my mother gave away my old school uniforms sooo ill have to go and find my plaid here in long beach... there are a couple of places that i have seen... so when the time comes will go and do that.... Other than that I have all the pieces just got to put them together in the studio... Until next time.....

Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Test Shot for my FINAL PROJECT

Im experimenting with the clothes and the emptipness that exists in them being off the body, standing on their own... more to come going to buy some black velvet seamless to create this look more effectively, here i used photoshop to darken the background slightly and then conceal as best as possibly the way i set up the shot.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

So Ive Been Shooting...

And Have a couple of shots to put up... so ill do that soon! They are tests/works in progress :)

A cool Photo

This is By Laurence Winram, havent researched him, much but i like how he takes objects from one place and puts them in a different environment

Friday, November 13, 2009

EMpty Clothing

Clothes with out people! :p by Peter ChenPostcards featuring clothing without bodiesPostcards featuring clothing without bodies
Postcards featuring clothing without bodies

Some Clothes...

So Kyle had noticed my photos with my clothes that i planned on using, and had me look at some other photos where the clothes alone were featured. We looked at Carl Kleiner, a Sweadish Photographer. Here are a few of his Wardrobe photographs...NK-STIL / STYLING JULIE VON HOFSTEN - 1NK-STIL / STYLING JULIE VON HOFSTEN - 5NK-STIL / STYLING JULIE VON HOFSTEN - 6NK-STIL / STYLING JULIE VON HOFSTEN - 4NK-STIL / STYLING JULIE VON HOFSTEN - 2
I really like the emptiness but then the feeling that someone was there. that these clothes belong to someone a some point that they represent the person. I mean in most of them a body is created from the clothes. Interesting!


I thought these photos were cool, espcially the way she organizes them. They are by Yvonne Todd, he is s photographer from New Zealand. They are series of mostly portraits. Sometimes there are odd ones out, but feel like these works involve ths story of the life of someone that he knew or created. I just like the way the photographs look... so odd but so great at the saFERVINAPPROXIMATION OF TRICIA MARTINme time. There is definitly something about them.KLERMA

So Ive been Searching around looking for something that...

Is Cool or really inspires me. So far i have found some cool stuff... that i like to look at.... Im sure there is something that will affect my work somehow.... Starting with some old archive photos.. That i found at I heart Photograph by Alfred T. Palmer. They are war propoganda photos.....

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Here is an artisit dealing with Self

After a quick google, found this artist's work... i really like the play between layers of self

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Links and family this is the issue im dealing with... maybe i should approach it in a symbolic way... i think this might be a good idea. where to start....

Project Porposal

So I realized later that i walked out of class totally forgetting to turn in my new project proposal, my mind has been in a million places. But I will post on here for sure, and turn it in. I am struggling trying to find a new direction for my project, but i hope to solve that through trial and error with a couple of ideas. more soon....

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Barnes and Nobel

Soooo this beautiful day after halloween i decided i needed to look at books. So i took a little field trip to Barnes and Nobel and looked at a lot of photographers books, books on photoshop techniques and then anything else. I also looked at photo magazines! i picked up a couple of books basically as references. Still trying to figure out my next move for the final project, but need to get on that!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Crit Day

So today was crit day, and basically i got back what i thought, after showing in class the other day not the best review interms of understanding the concept fully. But it gives me a reason to push further, maybe my next step is to disect my ideas a bit more. I have explored this thing of linking myself to places or people and maybe there is something more to that. I feel after thinking about it a bit, that maybe im trying to figure out through my photographs something about who i am, and what makes me... is it who i come from? where i come from? where i lived? So i have some thinking to do. maybe imagery that doesnt have the need to be so precise? something that can be precise in its own way but not in terms of its affilation with another image.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I have a new photo to post

So after many phone calls and preparation i have a shot, one shot so far, in a way im a little frustrated at my snail like pace, but i am happy with the shot, but i feel that i still need to create another layer to the image, here is one of many that i took, i do like this one a lot. Tell me what you think.

Friday, October 16, 2009



So on Thursday i wasnt in class, but i was instead out collecting wardrobe for the big day on sunday, confirming " models" location and specifics. I hope that everything turns out well... i am hoping to have a bit of help that day in terms of family members. I know im a little late here on posting but i just got home from work and realized that i had just thought about posting and totally forgot to actually do it... quite the situation. But i will post some pics of a couple of outfits ive put together for my cousin to wear, otherwise the wardrobe will be supplemented by the participants. This sunday will be the day! STay Tuned!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Some Pics of early shoots/test shoots

So there are things that need to be addressed with the quick pre shots, in terms of footware and hair, but also the complexity of lighting... I used a strobe in one of them just because at the time it was really overcast and the sun wasnt casting any kind of shadow. I think also we might change the location of the photos. especially the sitting down one, but these shots give me an idea of what to fix and where I would like to go now. Next sunday i have reserved the Barbershop that my grandfather used to own and work at. I will use the space to set up shots taken in that space and may put some of these shots in that space, just to add a sense of oddness, and maybe this space will be a space where borders of generations are crossed. we shall see.

Friday, October 9, 2009

test shots today!!!!

test shot of my cousin were taken today, and actually went to the barber shop to talk to the owners today. Next sunday will be a big day full of shooting! test shots will be up soon! keep posted!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Class Cancelled

Since class was cancelled today, i used the time to go and look for wardrobe for my planned photo shoots this week. Went to a thrift store and other clothing stores, found one complete outfit, off to a good start, and i have other items in my closet that will work as well. All in all went well, didnt know really what to expect especially since i haven't ever really been to a thrift shop but i had a great expierence :) I also secured a location for a shoot later on in the month.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Putting it all together

So I have my idea, not i need to figure out when and where and who i am going to shoot exactly, spent the day figuring that out, setting up places to shoot people to use in the photos and the specifics of the sites. So far so good, just trying to lock down a location that used to be in the family but now has different owners, the outlook looks good. Doing a shoot in San Fran next weekend and testing this next thursday, should be a productive week. still much work to do, interms of wardrobe, props, lighting and other small specifics but i have a positive feeling :) work to come soon!

My Project Proposal


Maria Elena Malovos

September 29, 2009

DigiArt Photography

Project Name:

            In Their Shoes


Project Description:

            I will be examining the relationship that crosses generations, the things that repeat, the things that change and that strange likeness that no matter the changes in world still exist across generations.  I will be taking pictures from my parents and grandparents and other relatives and bringing them back to life today with others from my generation, but going beyond the picture, breaking the border and letting more be seen.


Conceptual Concerns:

            I am exploring the goals we set in life, the things we try to mimic and the things we try to do differently.  How are we influenced by our Parents, Grandparents and those around us from childhood to young adulthood?  Who takes on which roles, are certain roles maintained. 


Technical Skills Covered:

            Outdoor lighting with natural and artificial light along with recreating different eras from the 1920s, 30s, 40s, 50s and 70s.  I plan to shoot Digital with a film as a backup and alternative.  I would shoot Medium format with the film and on a Digital SLR. Either converting it to black and white or creating color to coincide with the era if it fits.


Formal Guidelines:

            My end product will be digital prints.  I want them to be either window mounted or in a book form pasted on black scrapbook pages.  I hope to have 10 prints in the end.  My project will be due on the 29th of October. 


Artistic References:

            I forget the artist but she and her sister would recreate family photos putting themselves in the photos are their parents and other characters.  The photos had almost this plastic quality.  Cindy Sherman also played a lot with identity, even though many of her photos have film like qualities they address this bridge between generations this examination of the past.



            Readings that would be helpful to read would be journals or writings from my grandparents and parents from their youth.  I will also reference Historical dress and fashion books, statistics from the different periods of time I am referencing and then apply what I can to the photographs.



            I want to be graded on the execution, the quality of light and exposure.  There will also be how effectively the message is conveyed, is it obvious or does it make the view wonder and think about photos presented, are they the true past or the present remade in the esthetic of the past.


Goals List:

             I hope to create images to make the viewer wonder about which is the reality.  Is the distinction between photographs of old and present obvious?  Is the 

Monday, September 28, 2009

For my Midterm Project

So i have been brainstorming ideas and keep coming back to this part of photography that recalls a moment a time. Something that Photography fundamentally captures. I have also been think about in there shoes kind of thing dealing with the question, " if i were so and so at my age, id be..." I dont know about everyone, but it is a question or phrase that seems to be coming up a lot especially since school is taking longer and marriage and kids is a phenomenon that is existing less or happening later on in life for many people. So i have begun collecting photos of grandparents and parents and plan to take the photos and information to create almost a time capsule of an image something that shows, something that represents if i were my grandparents at my age, something that examine the connection the dissconnection and the gap of generations.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Design Magazine!

Came across this site about a week ago and it has some great links to things going on in art,design, architecture and fashion around the world!

Timothy Allen

Just looking for photographs that i find interesting and came across this guy. Photojournalism. Check him out!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The decisive moment

THis has a little more to do with my photo seminar class, but i thought id look at photos with the decisive moment as i see... the moment when the time place and photographer all came toghter, this can be on purpose or by chance, with the socialist military man making the jump to western berlin before it was too late.

Some other photographers i was told about

And the search continues to narrow down my search for a really great idea. In class i was shown these photographers. Jeffrey Crewdson. I really like the look and ambiguity of his images a lot. as though im not quite sure if it is a reality or a dream set up.
As was pointed out to me, photography is the caputuring of memories, of moments some see as reality or is it just a dream so its necessary to push and make the viewer wonder is this real or is there something here that just doesnt feel right, that makes me wonder more. That is my goal, my new mission i guess you could say. I wanna make the viewer wonder.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Some of my night photography..

So Here are some of my raw photos, they havent been edited yet, i have some that have been but they are on another drive that i will have to dig through. But i would like to combine these night images, many of which signify the passage of time, with something reminisant of a dream.