Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Test Shot for my FINAL PROJECT

Im experimenting with the clothes and the emptipness that exists in them being off the body, standing on their own... more to come going to buy some black velvet seamless to create this look more effectively, here i used photoshop to darken the background slightly and then conceal as best as possibly the way i set up the shot.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

So Ive Been Shooting...

And Have a couple of shots to put up... so ill do that soon! They are tests/works in progress :)

A cool Photo

This is By Laurence Winram, havent researched him, much but i like how he takes objects from one place and puts them in a different environment

Friday, November 13, 2009

EMpty Clothing

Clothes with out people! :p by Peter ChenPostcards featuring clothing without bodiesPostcards featuring clothing without bodies
Postcards featuring clothing without bodies

Some Clothes...

So Kyle had noticed my photos with my clothes that i planned on using, and had me look at some other photos where the clothes alone were featured. We looked at Carl Kleiner, a Sweadish Photographer. Here are a few of his Wardrobe photographs...NK-STIL / STYLING JULIE VON HOFSTEN - 1NK-STIL / STYLING JULIE VON HOFSTEN - 5NK-STIL / STYLING JULIE VON HOFSTEN - 6NK-STIL / STYLING JULIE VON HOFSTEN - 4NK-STIL / STYLING JULIE VON HOFSTEN - 2
I really like the emptiness but then the feeling that someone was there. that these clothes belong to someone a some point that they represent the person. I mean in most of them a body is created from the clothes. Interesting!


I thought these photos were cool, espcially the way she organizes them. They are by Yvonne Todd, he is s photographer from New Zealand. They are series of mostly portraits. Sometimes there are odd ones out, but feel like these works involve ths story of the life of someone that he knew or created. I just like the way the photographs look... so odd but so great at the saFERVINAPPROXIMATION OF TRICIA MARTINme time. There is definitly something about them.KLERMA

So Ive been Searching around looking for something that...

Is Cool or really inspires me. So far i have found some cool stuff... that i like to look at.... Im sure there is something that will affect my work somehow.... Starting with some old archive photos.. That i found at I heart Photograph by Alfred T. Palmer. They are war propoganda photos.....

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Here is an artisit dealing with Self

After a quick google, found this artist's work... i really like the play between layers of self

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Links and family this is the issue im dealing with... maybe i should approach it in a symbolic way... i think this might be a good idea. where to start....

Project Porposal

So I realized later that i walked out of class totally forgetting to turn in my new project proposal, my mind has been in a million places. But I will post on here for sure, and turn it in. I am struggling trying to find a new direction for my project, but i hope to solve that through trial and error with a couple of ideas. more soon....

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Barnes and Nobel

Soooo this beautiful day after halloween i decided i needed to look at books. So i took a little field trip to Barnes and Nobel and looked at a lot of photographers books, books on photoshop techniques and then anything else. I also looked at photo magazines! i picked up a couple of books basically as references. Still trying to figure out my next move for the final project, but need to get on that!